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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cutting Glass 16x20 sheet: 15 Half Plates

     When I first began wet plate I was strictly a trophy aluminum girl because of the ease and being able to purchase all of the supplies cut and ready to go. You do have to pay for that convenience and I like the simplicity of the glass and the ease of attaining it. I was dependent upon one glass shop in Riverside to cut my glass for me. I totally over paid and knew it! I had no other way of having material to shoot with unless I waited a week for a shipment. I finally found the stained glass store in L.A. and was able to purchase a glass cutter from them for $30.00. This glass cutter is amazing! It is easy, no need for rulers, and is fast! I now purchase all of my glass at 25mm from Home Depot in 16x20 sheets for around $5.00 with tax. From one 16x20 sheet I can make 15 half plates, (3.75x4.75). I now pay about 33 cents per piece of clear glass.

Each sheet is $4.90 from Home Depot

Double checking the measurements

My 4x5 holder with the new metal attachment so glass does not fall out

3-in-one oil used to lubricate the glass stripper

Measurements conveniently located on the stripper

The board cost me about $5.00 to make

The glass is wrapped in newspaper that a shred to keep it clean

Close up of the glass cutter

Cutting the pieces of glass. I cut 4.75 strips from the 20 inch side and one 3.75 strip

Piece of glass waiting to be wrapped up

The accuracy of the stripper is great! My slight movements mess it up a bit but its all hand cut!

Organized in stacks of 15

This is how I shred the newspaper

   Where I keep all of my glass cutting and cleaning supplies. I make sure to keep a solid inventory so when I go to shoot I know what I do and do not have. The next step is to order asphaltum for painting the back of the plates. The glass is here not exactly ready to be used. The edges need to be sanded down and all of the glass will be cleaned with whitening. A pain in the butt, but if you zone out and listen to some good music it is not that bad. Plus I do not mind putting the extra time in at 33 cents a piece.

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