There are many vintage graphics to reference when designing something new for my business, but there are so many it is hard to choose from. Ironically, I am way better at Illustrator than Photoshop. I love Illutrator and creating vector art. For my banner, which is a six feet by four feet, I set out to design something totally vintage with awesome clip art and something that would definitely stand out. The design at the top was my first rough draft where I had everything pretty much laid out and the type correct. It did seem strong as black and white, but knew that would not catch every ones eye. I then set out to study some tutorial online and create a background that was eye catching, but not to bright.
Using brushed and textures I was able to create a really nice distressed background. I can not wait till this is printed! I will be able to use it this weekend in Temecula at the Vail Lake Civil War Re-enactment! Will post pictured of it at my booth and hope it attracts new customers.
HEy Dude. Good to seeyour banner work. It seems hard work Toronto website designer well done..!!